Adult Diploma Program
One Way To Finish High School
The Adult Diploma Program offers those 16 years of age and older an opportunity to earn a certified high school diploma through evening courses. This is a 20-credit Keene School District diploma – it is a not a Keene High School diploma nor a GED/HiSET certificate. Previously earned high school credits, as well as credit for certain other work or life experiences, may be applied toward the diploma. Students who are under 18 should discuss this option with their guidance counselor as a first step.
Click here for further information about alternative pathways to high school completion.
Adult Diploma students Hayley Oefinger and Tayah Avery in Laura Mack’s Human Biology class, Winter/Spring 2018.
To register for the Adult Diploma program, come to our office or give us a call at (603)357-0088.
Twenty credits are required for completion:
- English – 4 credits
- Math – 2 credits
- Science – 2 credits
- S. Studies – 1 credit
- U.S. History – 1 credit
- Civics – .5 credit
- Economics – .5 credit
- Computer Literacy – .5 credit
- General Electives – 8.5 credit
Students interested in this diploma option should contact Keene Community Education at 603-357-0088 to setup an appointment.
How to enroll for new students:
- We will need an official transcript from your last high school sent to us.
- Upon receipt of your transcript (and your current name, address, and phone number), we will contact you to advise on remaining credits needed and courses you can take.
- Adult Diploma students fee is $215 per class.
If you are enrolling as an in-school youth, taking classes for additional or make-up credit, or if you are enrolling as a “refresher” student (taking classes for review or enrichment though you already have a diploma), then you may register in any of the ways available, including on-line.
The $215.00 per class fee applies to In-School Youth and Refresher students.
If you are enrolling as a 16 or 17 year old student, please contact your guidance counselor at your current school or the school you last school you attended.