High School Equivalency Certificate (HiSET)
Keene Community Education Is An Official High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) Testing Center
- The HiSET is accepted by colleges and universities as well as by employers.
- The HiSET is administered across the state and is aligned with core standards.
- To register, visit the HiSET website to see tests scheduled near you. Then create an account and register. All registration is online.
- The cost is $25.00/subtest or $125.00 for the entire exam. Credit and Debit cards are accepted on the HiSET website. If you are having difficulty paying for the test, apply for a scholarship by contacting our office.
- Students under 18 must pass all five official practice tests and complete the Waiver from the Age Requirement form found on the NH Department of Education website.
- Take an official practice test in each subject area for $5.00 per test. $25.00 for all five practice tests.
- Questions? Call us at 603-357-0088
HiSET Testimonial
“I came to Keene Community Education because I want to get my high school equivalency diploma. I am a wife and a mother and although life events interrupted my high school education, I never lost hope that one day I would get my diploma. At this time, I have passed three of the five subject area tests. I will be taking the rest of the tests soon. It has been hard work but I have kept coming to class – I will succeed!”
“Update: I earned my HiSET certificate in April 2019. Now I am making career plans for the future!”
Sarah Thompson – HiSet Student
How To Register for the HiSET Exam
- Obtain a copy of the Request to Waive the Age Requirement at this link.
- Take the Official Practice Test.
- Register on the HiSET eRegistration system at: https://hiset.org
- Get permission from your school
- Get permission from your parent or guardian
- Submit the Request to Waive the Age Requirement form to:
High School Equivalency Office
21 South Fruit St., Suite 20
Concord, NH 03301
FAX (703) 271-4353
- You will be notified if your request is approved.
- Go back into the HiSET eRegistration system to pay and schedule your test
- Take the exam
- Once you pass, your NH High School Equivalency Certificate will be sent to you.
- Start your future
Get a job
Go to a training program
Go to college
Enter the military
Important HiSET-Relevant Links
For HiSet test takers: Use the NHDOE Release of Records Form
For GED test takers (given prior to 1/2014): You may contact Keene Community Ed and complete a transcript request form